Winter lamb feeding and management methods

For lambs produced in winter, care should be taken in the following aspects:
First, pay special attention to keep warm and keep warm, so that the temperature of the breeding house is kept at 8 ~ 10 °C, the temperature of the lamb house is above 8 °C.
2. After the lamb is born, wipe off the mucus at the muzzle and let the ewes cleanse the body of the lamb. If the ewes do not suck, sprinkle the wheat bran or corn flour on the lamb.
Third, the ewes 3 days after the milk is called colostrum, which contains a large number of antibodies, can enhance the resistance of the lamb, but also contains vitamin A, a large number of protein, nutrient-rich, for the growth of the lamb and prevention of diarrhea has an important role. Therefore, the lamb should be allowed to suck enough colostrum for the first few days after birth.
Fourth, to strengthen the breeding of ewes, and feed more green and juicy succulent feeds such as lettuce leaves, ryegrass, radishes, red leeks, etc., and supplement concentrates, such as corn, bran, rice bran, etc., so that there is sufficient milk Feed the lamb.
5. If the ewes have little milk or the ewes die, the lambs can be fostered to nursing mothers. Nursing mothers need to find the ewes that have extremely high maternal output, particularly lambs with high levels of lactation. The ewes know the lambs by smell, so when fostering, they should put the breastmilk's milk on the foster lambs at night, or wipe the urine of the lambs on the nursing mother's nose to make the smell confusing and indistinguishable. Placed in the milk column, so 2 to 3 days, you can foster success.
6. After 15 days of birth, supplement the lambs and feed some corn flour, barley flour, wheat bran, and soy flour. Feeding amount: 15 to 20 days old, feeding 50 to 70 grams per day; 21 to 30 days old, feeding 100 to 150 grams per day; 31 to 60 days old, feeding 200 to 250 grams per day.
7. Lambs are sexually active and live 7 to 10 days after birth, allowing the lambs to enjoy the sun outside their homes. The initial time is 30 to 60 minutes, after which time is gradually extended. After 20 days, grazing can be performed with the ewes. If ewes are housed, a playground should be set up to allow the lambs to move and jump to promote the development of the lamb's skeleton.

There is a new exciting class of performance-enhancing drug rise up at last ten years, it`s called sarms, they appear to gain muscle and burn fat at a level comparable to Raw Steroids, but without those side effects like the ball-shrinking, liver-destroying, unsightly body hair-growing ect. They act on your hormones in a targeted way and show potential if you want to rapidly build muscle and shed fat. 

SARMs, as a class of Human Growth Hormone product, you shouldn`t take it if you r a competitive athlete, SARMs is on the on the World Anti-Doping Agency`s list of banned substances for athletic competition.But you r just a bodybuilder lover, who is looking to upgrade your physical performance, then, SARMs may be worth considering.

SARMs raws

Why SARMs is better than steroid.
Ppl using steroids gaining muscle through increasing testosterone level, which then increases protein synthesis in your cells, building muscle and burning fat. That`s how anabolic steroids works it`s great for many ppl. But steroids also interact with your liver, your prostate, your heart, your sex organs (which leads to ball shrinkage in men and clitoral enlargement in women), and your secondary sex characteristics (voice depth, body hair growth, man boobs, acne, etc.). All these side effects are the androgenic part of steroids. SARMs is opposite, they`re far more selective than steroids, you can get muscle growth and fat loss, and SARMs won`t give you man boobs or turn you into the bearded lady. 
Considering the products form,steroids raws can be made into semi-finished oils and finished gear,you have to inject them, but for SARMs,you can take it orally ,no need for injections .
SARMs are also legal for some reasonable usage if you buy them [for research purposes only." You`ll notice that SARMs retailers always include disclaimers like [for lab research purposes only" and [not for human consumption." They do this in case laws change, so they won`t get in trouble with the government.
There r dozens SARMs at market now, but only a few products is popular among bodybuilders inc MK677,GW501516,SR9009,MK2866,LGD4033,YK11,S-23,AICAR,RAD140,5a-hydroxy laxogenin ect. We will do some simple introduction about them at next articles. We also will introduce some way to test the quality of Sarms Raws at the current market. 
Final thoughts,SARMs as a new bodybuilding supplements appeared here, become very popular quickly, tho it`s a bit expensive than other human Growth Hormone, like raw steroids, Bodybuilding Peptides,or hgh, but ppl still love it for its` less side effect. But on the other hand,because they`re so new, SARMs carry more risk than most of the stuff I talk here. This is a little more out there than eating the Bulletproof Diet or hacking your sleep. Proceed at your own risk, use your judgment, and listen to your body.

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