Egg diet recipes recommended

The egg diet method refers to the diet method of taking eggs as the main food, serving three meals a day as the main food, together with vegetables and fruits, and a small amount of toast and coffee drinks. Egg weight loss is a scientific method of weight loss. There is no limit to the amount of eggs on the first day. After eating three meals a day, if the cholesterol is high, only the protein can be consumed, and the protein can be replaced with tofu. This method can be used for two weeks. 5KG per week for a total of 10KG. No need to continue after two weeks.


One week recipe


Breakfast: boiled eggs (not limited), toast (not limited), grape fruit, coffee (without Sugar milk)

Lunch: boiled eggs, toast, coffee

Dinner: boiled eggs, green salad, pickles, coffee


Breakfast: one boiled egg, toasted bread (you will not be fat when you eat bread), grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: Two boiled eggs, planted fiber, coffee, grape (Yangjin "Yangjin" grape slimming fruit)

Dinner: steak, green salad dish with tomatoes, kimchi, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: green salad, tomatoes, grape fruit, coffee

Dinner: Two boiled eggs, lamb, tomato-based green salad, pickles, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: Green Salad, Tomatoes, Grape Fruit, Plant Cellulose, Coffee

Dinner: Two boiled eggs, cheese (people with type b blood need to eat less), spinach, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, grapes, tomatoes, coffee

Lunch: Two boiled eggs, spinach, tomatoes, coffee

Dinner: sea fish, green salad, toast, coffee

on Saturday

Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: fruit salad, two eggs

Dinner: beef steak, green salad with tomatoes, coffee

on Sunday

Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: Roast chicken, tomatoes, grape fruit, coffee

Dinner: Vegetable soup, cabbage, grape fruit, green salad, mainly tomato


In the ingredients, vegetable oil can be used in salads, such as beef without mutton, tomatoes when they are hungry, and milk without sugar, preferably black coffee.

Weight loss principle

Egg yolk contains lecithin as an emulsifier that emulsifies fat cholesterol into tiny particles that are used by the body after being removed from blood vessels. Eggs can also increase blood high-density lipoproteins to protect blood vessels from hardening.

It seems that egg weight loss method is scientifically based, and it is also a practical and effective weight loss method through practice. You can also choose healthy and healthy diet foods to enhance the weight loss effect safely and effectively. When the weight reaches the standard, the balance between calorie intake and calorie consumption can make the weight loss lasting.

Canned Fish

Canned Fish,Canned Mackerel,Tinned Fish,Can Salmon