Cucumber physiological diseases and prevention

Physiological diseases are due to crop growth environmental conditions, such as temperature and light discomfort, lack of nutrition or imbalance in the proportion of crop growth caused by poor development. It is not caused by infection with bacteria (ie, bacteria, fungi, and viruses). Therefore, the use of pesticides by such diseases is useless, and the more serious they are, the more plants will die.

1. Baldness, also known as no production point, is caused by low temperatures. Prevention measures include delaying planting at proper intervals, taking various measures to increase temperature, and increasing fertilizer and water.

2. Potassium deficiency disease was characterized by dwarfing plants, short internodes, small leaves, bronze leaves, yellowish green leaves, and main vein depression. The chlorosis between the veins is more severe in the later period and spreads to the middle of the leaf, and then the leaf blade is necrotic and the leaf margins are drier. This is similar to the leaf edge blight caused by pesticide poisoning. The prevention and control measures are using potassium sulfate as base fertilizer or early stage fertilizer, and the amount of mu is 10 kg.

3. Physiological drought appeared after planting, the seedlings were dark green, grew slowly or did not grow. Root rust, mild wilting. Similar to wilt disease, the whole plant withered when severe. This is due to the excessive supply of farmyard manure, especially chicken manure, when planting. This will also happen if too much fertilizer is applied. Control methods: Manure bottom soil blended with other soils. Fertilization should take a combination of paving and furrowing methods. Mild can pour some water.

4. Small old seedlings include aging seedlings or flower toppings. Aging seedlings do not love growth. Flower topping is reproductive growth and vegetative growth, dense leaflets near the growth point, large bud inclusion, each leafhopper grow small melon button. Causes: improper treatment of ethephon; excessive breeding days; excessive rooting during colonization; drought; excessive application of foliar fertilizer; Prevention: remove the root melon and the top female flowers, chase after the available nitrogen fertilizer, watering, try to increase the soil temperature, reduce air release.

5. The low temperature caused by yellowing seedlings after colonization. Every effort must be made to increase the temperature of the earth, including early cover grass. If the ground temperature does not reach 10°C, planting should be delayed and the small arch shed should be detained after planting.

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