Very early garlic sprouts efficient cultivation techniques

Precocious garlic sprouts were planted in September, and in the spring of April in the second year of April, the high-end vegetables, garlic sprouts, which people liked very much, could be listed on the market, 30 to 40 days ahead of conventional garlic sprouts. In mid-May, fresh garlic can be harvested again. . The practice of the author and many farmers has proved that planting very early garlic sprouts can create a production value of more than 5,000 yuan per 667 square meters.

First, the choice of species. The new variety of garlic selected by Shandong Agricultural University, Zao Zai Zai 2 is an ideal variety for the cultivation of extremely early mature garlic. It grows strong, with a plant height of 75-80 cm and a maximum leaf width of 4 cm. The most prominent feature is the early bolting and the high yield of garlic sprouts. Convulsions are 30 to 40 days earlier than Cangshan garlic. The garlic sprouts are thick and long, with a diameter of 0.8 to 1 cm and a length of about 60 cm. The average weight of a single pod is about 40 grams, and the average weight of garlic is 37 grams. Good quality, anti-virus disease. Sowing in mid-September, harvesting garlic sprouts in mid-April of the second year, harvesting garlic in mid-May. 667 square meters can produce about 750 kilograms of garlic sprouts, about 1,000 kilograms of garlic. High-yielding fields can produce 1,100 kilograms of garlic sprouts and 1300 kilograms of garlic per 667 square meters.

Second, soil preparation. Choose a flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation, rich in organic matter, fertilizer and water retention good slightly acidic or neutral sandy soil cultivation. For every 667 square meters, 4,000 kg of organic fertilizer, 50 kg of plant ash, and 40 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary compound fertilizer are used as base fertilizer. After ploughing and boring, the pods are made to be 1.5 meters in width and the length depends on the place. The suitable sowing date for garlic in Zaoxian No. 2 in Shandong is September 15-25. Clove graded before sowing, soaked with water for 20 to 24 hours, and then thiophanate-methyl 500 times soaking seeds for 1 hour to sow. When sowing, open 8 8- to 10-cm-deep seeding trenches with an average distance of less than 20 cm. When planting, the petals are oriented back in the seeding ditch in the back direction, and the planting depth is 4 to 5 cm. The plant spacing is 5 to 6 cm. The large petals should be thin and the small petals should be dense. Use fine dirt to cover the garlic and water it.

Third, chemical weeding. Very early garlic has a long growing period and must be chemically weeded to control weed damage. After planting watering, herbicide should be sprayed in time. After sowing, before germination, 33% of Shida's milk can be used for every 667 square meters, 100 to 150 ml for water, 60 to 75 kg for water, or 200 to 250 ml for 48% trifluralin, 40 to 60 kg for water, and 50% for paracetamol. 100 grams of water to 30 to 40 kg, 24% of Goll 50 ml of water 50 to 60 kg, evenly sprayed noodles. Grass weeds 2 to 4 leaf stage, every 667 square meters, with 5% fine wolfberry grass emulsifiable concentrate 50 ~ 70 ml of water 30 kg, evenly spray. If weeds have grown to 4 leaves, the dosage should be increased.

Fourth, field management. The emergence of garlic begins 5 to 7 days after planting. If the weather is dry after sowing, it should be poured once every 2 days. The amount of water should be appropriate each time, so as not to make the soil wet. After Qimiao, 10 kg of urea was topped every 667 square meters. 2 to 3 leaves, topdressing 15 kg of urea, promote seedling Jian Jian, garlic plant stout. When 5-6 leaves, topdressing 20 kg of urea. After the beginning of spring, 50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ternary compound fertilizer was applied to every 667 square meters. Before and after the vernal equinox, watering should be promptly promoted to promote garlic's early convulsions and pumping fats. After the picking, the garlic head enters into a prosperous period and should be poured once every 7 days to keep the soil moist. Combined with watering, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ternary compound fertilizer is applied at a rate of 30 kg per 667 m2. Watering was stopped 10 days before the garlic was harvested.

V. Harvesting techniques. When the whole garlic sprouts of the early garlic No. 2 exposed 10 to 12 cm of leaf sheaths, and the hook was shaped like a hook, it was suitable for harvesting. About 15 to 20 April in Shandong. When the temperature is still high after 10 o'clock, forcefully lift up. If no mention can be made, the tip of the needle can be scratched with a needle from the middle of the pseudo-stem, which is the 3-4th leaf, and the moss can be removed. When harvesting, try to protect the functional leaves. Take 5 to 7 days before removing moss to stop watering. After the garlic pods are harvested for 20 to 25 days, the garlic can be harvested.

Six, pest control. Planting very early garlic sprouts should focus on preventing leaf blight. Onset, 70% thiophanate-methyl 800 times or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600-800 times spray, 7 days, even spray 2 or 3 times. In the early stages of the occurrence of underground pests, 50% of phoxim emulsions can be used to irrigate the roots at a rate of 0.75 kg per 667 square meters. In the early stage of convulsions, 1.8% of avermectin 2500-fold spray can be used to control the leaf miner.

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