Strawberries prevent gray mold

Strawberry gray mold, also known as rot disease, is the main disease of strawberry. It is easy to occur in the greenhouse and open field cultivation, and it directly harms the flowers and fruits, and has a great impact on the yield and quality.

Harmful symptoms. Strawberry botrytis mostly begins to occur after the deflowering. The pathogen first infects the small fruit, so that the fruit surface exposed to the wet soil first develops the disease, and then spreads along the fruit stem to the inflorescence, causing the entire inflorescence to rot and die; the fruit is invaded and the fruit surface is invaded. There was water-stained, hazel-like patches, dark brown afterwards, and soft rot in the tissues. The fragrance disappeared. In wet conditions, the diseased mice had gray mold. Fruits that are susceptible during the growing season continue to rot after harvest.

Occurrence of law. Strawberry gray mold is a fungal disease caused by infection with Botrytis cinerea. The pathogenic bacteria overwintered on the damaged plants and formed spores in late spring conditions, spreading with the wind. The optimum temperature for the development of germs was 20-25°C, the lowest 4°C, and the highest 30-32°C. Conidia germinated at 13.7-29.5°C, but germination was favorable at lower temperatures. The occurrence of diseases is closely related to environmental conditions. Low temperature and high humidity are the dominant factors in the epidemic of diseases. Planted dense, partial nitrogen fertilizer, plant growth is too prosperous, lack of light in the garden, or continuous rain, poor garden drainage, high ground humidity, etc., are suitable for disease occurrence. In the early to middle stage, fruit coloring is the weakest and most susceptible to disease. In addition, the degree of morbidity is also related to the variety.

Prevention methods. 1, choose resistant varieties. 2. Agricultural control: timely removal of dead leaves and dead leaves in early spring, removal of diseased inflorescence at the early stage of disease, elimination of disease, reduction of bacteria sources, reasonable close planting, balanced fertilization, and proper control of watering to prevent plant growth and excessive humidity in the garden Use plastic film or firewood to cover the ground to avoid direct contact of the fruit with moist soil. 3. Chemical control: 200 times equal amount of Bordeaux mixture, 50% Sensen Zinc 500 times solution, 50% Dimectin 600 times solution, 75% chlorothalonil 600 to 800 times solution, 50% Sulfonyl or 70 % Thiophanate-methyl 800 to 1000-fold, 10% polyoxymorcomycin wettable powder 100-150 g Mu water 75 kg, 50% Acetaminoin WP 100-135 g/mu Water 75 kg, each Every 7 to 10 days spray once, spray a total of 3 to 4 times, can also use antibacterial fumigation, about 0.1 grams per cubic meter of space.