How to Prevent and Treat Bacterial Blight in Rice

Bacterial bacterial blight is a bacterial disease that mainly damages the leaves. The bacteria invade from the tips of the leaves or leaves, initially forming yellow-green or dark green spots, and then expand into water-striped short streaks, extending downward along the leaf margins. Width increased to form wavy or long lesions, and finally turned gray lesions and died. The susceptible plants are prone to lodging, the seed setting rate is low, the grain is not full, and the 1000-grain weight is reduced. High temperature and humidity, stormy weather, flooding in paddy fields, and partial application of nitrogen fertilizer will aggravate the disease. Seed carriage is the main cause of the disease.

To control rice bacterial blight, we must first do a good job of disinfecting the seed. When sowing, soak the seeds with 1,000 times 80% aqueous solution of trichloroisocyanuric acid or 600 times 25% chlorpromazine solution for 2-3 hours. After picking up and cleaning with clean water, germination and sowing are again performed to eliminate the bacteria that are adsorbed on the seeds. At the 4-5 leaf stage of seedlings, 500 times 25% aqueous solution of methomazole, or 5000 times 74% aqueous solution of streptomycin sulfate and 5000 times aqueous solution of hydrated mycin are sprayed on the leaf surface. During the growth and development of rice, in the event of stormy weather, after the storm, it is necessary to catch a fine spray of 600 times 20% aqueous solution of copper thiazolyl, 600 times of 20% aqueous solution of thienson copper, and 5000 times of neophytin aqueous solution. In the booting stage and the breaking period, each leaf was also sprayed with 600 times 25% chloramphenic acid aqueous solution, 800 times 50% chlorobromoisocyanuric acid aqueous solution, and 600 times 20% quinoline copper aqueous solution.

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